A Movie from
Some Shoot of Sorts

Redesign of on-air imaging of the alternative music channel MK. Some of SA's top bands were used as MK brand ambassadors to communicate the ethos or vibe of the channel.
 I started off by cutting this far;ey large peice of plexy glass to a percert square. The I painted a big blue eye on one side of the glass. i spent about twenty minutes just looking for the same color blue as my eyes. Then i flipped it over and began the process, as you will be walked through if you scroll down.
     I did this as form of a statue to remind me of who I am and who i would like to be. To rememind me that when i look in the mirror that i must understand my faults and accept them for what they are.
 then i made 81 indivigual little eyes on this piece of plex y glass on the other side of the big painted eye.
then i rigged up a light that changes colors so that way the light fragments would shine through the fibber glass.
Finally i drilled holes in the pupils of the eyes so that way light would shine through.   

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