Dallium is an over the counter type 2 diabetes medication. Dallium is a Swiss based company that is seeking to expand into America. The concept of this logo is the flower that this strain of garlic comes from. Dallium Sativeum comes from a flower that directly resembles this logo.

Travel 4 Five, is a family vacation planning website. The concept of the logo is a bird because of the way that they travel together or alone. Families travel together so the birds that I used to illustrate this are bird that fly in flocks. I also chose birds with bright tropical colors to insinuate a level of fun and spontaneity, that would appeal to adults and children alike.

Linedot solutions is a concept brand for an information software company. The company specialized in helping large to medium scale industries keep track of their numbers and maintain their machines. Though this brand never went to market I think it is a strong name. linedot solutions, connecting the dots so you don't have to.

5 X Five Solutions is a company that provides brewing, distilling and winery equipment to small and large scale companies. The sold software that would measure and quantify how your chemical process was going. They had machines that went with their software. The company was very well branded when we met and the CEO used to work for NASA. The clients needed a name and a logo to fit into the brand guidelines that they already had. They liked the name 5 X Five and these are the logos to ensue. Helve and Helm Solutions are other brand identities that would have been in the guide lines, however not a name they would have liked.